Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
clockwise until they separate. Take the piece that doesn’t have the
handle and place it against the long side of the apron. The exact
placement doesn’t matter we chose to center ours 12” from the edge.

Once you find where you want your
vise to be, place the lip underneath the
side apron. Then using a pencil draw a
circle where the mounting holes are on
the side of the apron. Now you can
remove the vise jaw and drill a small
1/8” pilot hole. At this time you may
want to add a couple of small strips of
wood to the face of your jaws to help
protect pieces of wood clamped
between the metal faces. Mount these
strips of wood through the provided holes on each jaw. Use 1 5/8”
drywall screws to mount the vise to the side apron. Take the other jaw
and line up the threaded rods with the holes on the mounted jaw and
slowly turn the handle clockwise until they catch.

Step 7
Now for some finishing touches. Give the whole bench a good sanding
with 100 grit sandpaper. Round over any sharp edges and check for
splinters that may be sticking out just waiting for an unsuspecting
victim. Also, you can seal the top from stains with a couple of coats of
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