Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Step 1
Cut all your parts to size according to the cut list. Make sure you label
the end pieces and bottom part to avoid confusion later on.

First we need to draw the half
circles on the end pieces.
We’ll do that just like we
drew the circles for the pencil
holder. Take a piece of string
that’s at least 12” long and tie
one end to a small finish nail
and the other end to a pencil
at exactly 9”. Remember that
the radius of a circle is a
straight line that goes from
the center to the outer edge of
a circle. This will give us a
diameter of 18” or two times the radius.

Now place the finish nail with the string attached at the center (10”) of an
end piece. Ok, were ready to draw our half circle, but there something to
keep in mind. You need to hold the pencil straight up and down while
keeping the string tight. If you lean the pencil from square or don’t keep
the string tight your curve won’t be even. Just take your time and it will
come out fine. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just make sure that there are
no flat spots on the bottom portion of the curve so that the cradle will
rock properly.

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