Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Set your combination square to measure 6
¾”. Place the head of the square against
the bottom of both end pieces and set
your pencil against the end of the ruler
and slide the head along the length of the
edge, marking as you go. This line
represents the bottom edge of the bottom

Step 5
All that’s left to do to the end pieces is to
drill the holes for the dowel to fit through.
We wanted the dowels to follow the same
curve as the end pieces. So we pulled our
home made compass back out and used
the same center mark but this time we
shorten the string to 8”. This will be the
center- line for the dowel holes. We need to mark the spacing of the
holes on this line. Using your measuring tape or combination square
measure down the right side from the flat
edge and place an X on the curve at: ¾”, 2
3/8”, 4 3/16”, 5 ¾”. Mark the same
measurements on the left side and the
other end piece.

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