Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Step 7
Spread a bead of glue on one edge of the bottom piece. With some help
line up the center point line on the bottom piece with the center point
line on the inside of one of the end pieces. Next make sure that the line
we drew 6 ¾” is underneath the bottom piece. Once everything is lined
up, nail through the end piece with 4d (1 ½”) finish nails.

Step 8
Sand all the parts including the dowels at this point. Normally we
would have sanded our parts before we put them together, but if we had
done that all our alignment marks would have been erased. (Not a good

Step 9
We’re finally there, we’re ready to put the last pieces together. Slide the
top dowel in place on each corner and place a small amount of glue on

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