Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Before you put the rest of the dowels in,
let’s check to make sure that the ends are
square to the bottom. Place your speed square
into the corner where one side is against the
bottom and the other side is against the end. If
both pieces don’t meet the square you will
need to adjust the end piece in or out until it’s
square. If this takes much effort you probably
will have to place a small brad nail or finish
nail through the edge of the end piece into
both dowels on each corner.

After everthing has had time to dry, trim off
the excess dowel with your handsaw and flush
it to the ends with a block plane.

Step 10
All that’s left is to decide on the finish for your doll cradle. You could
choose paint, stain and polyurethane, or just poly. You really can’t go
wrong with any of these. Well, almost, Katie informed me that she
wanted to paint her doll cradle purple with pink poka dots. How
would you like waking up to those colors? Now that’ just wrong.

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