Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

along the length). So, if we were to screw down the brace board all along
the width of each panel, especially two into each board, it wouldn’t
allow the individual boards to expand and contract and would
eventually split the panels into pieces.

Before you connect the brace to the panels, use your combination square
along the bottom of each panel to make sure that the boards are all even.
Using only 1 ¼” screws, no glue, connect the braces to each panel.

Step 3
Set the panels aside for now and let’s build the
bottom. Thebottomismadeupoffour2x4x
17 ½” pieces just butted together. The two feet
are evenly spaced across the bottom pieces and
nailed with 8d-galvanized nails. Place a nail
through the feet and into each of the bottom
boards. It helps to place a clamp across the
bottom boards to hold everything together while
you’re hammering.

Step 4
One of the worst things that can happen to a
potted plant is for the roots to sit in water day
after day. Since we built our planter bottom
without any gaps between the boards for water

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