Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
mouth up to take a thicker shaving when a lot of wood needs to
be removed.

Mouth Adjustment Lever:
This is what moves the mouth plate in order to open or close the
mouth of the plane

Ok, we’ve looked at the parts of a block plane; now let’s look at how to
actually use one. First, we need to know how to hold the block plane.
You can hold block planes in one hand, which is very helpful in cramped
spaces, or it can be used with both hands. Figure 4 shows three different
ways to hold a block plane.

Fig. 4

When holding a block plane with one hand, the lever cap should fit into
finger on the other side. Work with this basic position until the plane
feels comfortable in your hand. Sometimes you need more control of the
plane, when taking a deeper cut or planing across end grain of a board
for example. To do this, hold the lever cap in the palm of your dominant
hand (the one you use the most) as before and with your other hand;
hold the mouth adjustment lever knob.

plane? Then read on!

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