Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
Things You’ll Need
Measuring tape
1” x 6” x 12” Pine
1” x 4” x 2’ Pine
Speed square
Combination square
4d finish nails

Lesson 9

Cross-Cut Box

Here’s a jig that you’ll find yourself using on just about every project in
this book. No, I’m not talking about dancing a jig. A jig in
woodworking is anything that helps you hold a piece of wood so you
can cut it more safely and/or more efficiently.

The cross-cut box you are about to build will help
you cut to length boards at a perfect right angle
every time up to 5 ½” wide or a typical 1”x 6”. No
more having out-of-square boards or having to
place a guide block next to your cut line!

Step 1
Take your 1x6 and measure off 12” for the base.
Then draw a right angle line with your speed
square or combination square to guide your saw

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