Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Step 6
After cutting out the shapes on the front and back pieces you may need
to smooth the curves out with a rasp. Next, use sandpaper or a sanding
sponge 100 through 180 grits to further smooth out the curves. If you’re

Step 7
If you want something to carry all those tools you now have, like my son
Nick, you’ll want something that looks more like a toolbox. Here’s how
we made our design. This design is not something we came up with on
our own. This is a traditional design that carpenters have used for well
over a hundred years. First, follow steps 1, 2, and 3. Next, using a end
piece, measure over ¾” on both sides of the center point and place a
mark. Now from the top edges of the piece measure down 3 ¼” on each
side. With a straight edge connect the marks so that it looks like the
picture on the following page. Do the same steps for the other end piece.

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