Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1
Things You’ll Need
1 ¼” drywall screws
Coping saw
1” and 5/8” auger bits
Combination square
1” x 8” x 12” pine
1” x 3” x 12” pine
5/8” x 3” dowel
Safety glasses

Lesson 12

Baseball Rack

Has this ever happened to you? Some friends come by and ask if you
want to come out and play a game of baseball and you say, “Sure”. You
run off to try and find all your gear, but wait! Your bat isn’t where you
thought it would be, the glove that was suppose to be in the closet is no
where to be found, and your baseball has become the dog’s new favorite

Well, if any of this sounds familiar, then this project is for you. The
baseball rack will be a place to store your gear until the next big game.
Let’s get started.

We made our baseball rack from left over pieces of 1” x 8”, 1” x 3”, and
5/8” dowel, hopefully you can too because that’s all the wood you need
for this project.

Here’s the cut list:

Back (1)¾”x7¼”x12”

Shelf (1) ¾” x 2 ½” x 12”

Glove hook (1) 5/8” x 3” dowel

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