Ice breaking
Depending on the size of the group and how well they know each other already, you could go around
the group and get participants to stand up, give their names, say where they are from and what work
they do. Alternatively, in a very large group, participants could introduce themselves to the person
sitting to the left and right of them.
Expectations, aims and objectives
In your introduction, you will have given an indication of the general purpose of the training course.
Before you give the participants clearer aims and objectives of the course, do the following activity
with the group. The activity will act as an ice-breaker, as well as giving you the opportunity to assess
whether the participants share the course aims and objectives.
Activity: Assessing that training aims and objectives are shared
For this activity you will need:
Flipchart and markers
Copies ofPre-course Questionnaires (see example on page 77)
Course Aims and Objectives on flipchart paper (prepared beforehand)
To facilitate this activity:
1 You would have sent out and received Pre-course Questionnairesback from participants.
These responses were used in planning the training course, to make it as relevant to the
participants needs as possible. Ask participants the following two questions from the
- What are the main issues concerning OVC in your community?and
- What do you hope to get out of the training?
As an activity, this will:
Give participants an opportunity to participate in their first group discussion.
Give participants an opportunity to review their expectations for the training course.
Give the facilitation team the opportunity to either endorse their course objectives,
or to adapt them, if they have the flexibility and time.
Give the facilitator a chance to level expectations and make sure that course objectives
and aims are shared, and agreed upon, by all the participants in the group.
Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines^73