Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

  • Slow or insecure participants may withdraw

  • Unclear questions frustrate both participants and facilitators

  • May encourage guessing instead of critical thinking

Tips for improving the use of question and answer techniques:

  • Use random questioning patterns to keep participants alert –question, pause and call a name

  • Be patient and wait for participants to answer

  • Use positive feedback – find something good or useful about the answer, praise good effort

  • Build on questions, moving from what participants know to what they are expected to know.

Role-playing is a training method in which problems are outlined, acted out and discussed.
In this method, participants act out a situation and, by doing so, may find creative solutions to
problems raised. In a role-play, the facilitator may stop the action at appropriate stages to get
the audience to give input on what is being acted out. It is appropriate to use role-plays when:

  • Security exists within the group.

  • Presenting subjects which are difficult to connect with through discussions or lectures.

  • Participants need to be engaged emotionally as well as intellectually.

  • Examining participants’ attitudes.

  • Participants need to practise new
    skills and behaviours.


  • Provides insights into attitudes, values
    and perceptions

  • Emotional connection occurs

  • Allows for practise in new skills

  • Can maintain participants’ interest

  • Makes use of imagination


  • If participants flounder, they may withdraw

  • May be seen as entertainment and not taken seriously

  • Takes lots of time

  • May not allow full participation

  • If not carefully processed, lessons can be lost

Tips for improving the use of role-play:

  • Give clear instructions; make sure participants understand the purpose of the role-play

  • Participants should be volunteers

  • Tell the players what to do; tell the observers what to look for

  • Control the role-play – stop the role-play as soon as problems are seen

  • Allow sufficient time for preparation

  • Get and provide feedback at the end and review learning points.

(^78) Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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