Introduction and Objectives for Topic 1
There has been a great deal of sensitisation carried out with regard to HIV/AIDS, but there
are still many misconceptions concerning modes of transmission and how to prevent it.
Within this topic, participants will be equipped with basic information about HIV/AIDS, its
transmission and prevention strategies. They will be able to use this information while offering
care and support to vulnerable children, their families, and their guardians or caregivers.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this topic, participants will be able to:
Explain what HIV and AIDS are.
Describe the relationship between HIV and AIDS.
Discuss the modes of HIV transmission.
Discuss common misconceptions regarding HIV transmission.
Describe the measures that can be used to prevent HIV infection.
Understand their individual risk status through use of a self-risk assessment tool.
Discuss the general trends of HIV/AIDS in their community.
Provide basic HIV/AIDS information to families and children during home visits.
The Activities
For each of the activities that follow, facilitators will need to prepare by reading through the facilitator
notes before doing the activity with participants. These are guidelines to help you plan the activity.
There is also an indication of materials required and a timeframe for each activity.
Participants should be reminded to keep all handouts given to them during activities, as these
will be used to make up an information handbook for them to use when making home visits.
At the end of each training topic they will select pages, or make pages themselves, to include
in their handbook. By the end of the complete training course, their handbooks will contain
information they can use as reference material during home visits.
Further detailed information for
facilitating this topic on HIV and AIDS
information can be obtained from the
church’s Channels of Hope Training
Manualby Christo Greyling (2003)
obtainable from World Vision
(see references on page 363).
For more information
Although this training is conducted in English,
there is often enough space on the handouts for
information to be translated. Participants can
translate the information into the language of
their choice while on the training course, or they
can do so later when they are home visitors.
note on language
(^98) Unit 2, Module 1 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children