Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
For this activity you will need:
 Flashcards (cut out from Handouts 2 and 3)
 Copies of Handouts 2 and 3

To facilitate this activity:

1 For this activity, hand out the flashcards listing the ways HIV is and is not transmitted. (You will
need to prepare this beforehand.) Hand out a card to each participant (or group of participants
if there are more participants than cards).

2 Introduce the activity by explaining that HIV is transmitted from person to person in various ways,
but that there are also many beliefs about the way the virus is transmitted that are not true.
Participants must decide if the card they have received represents a means of transmission, or not.

3 Before beginning the activity, review the meaning of each word or sentence on the cards so that
participants understand them clearly.

4 Get participants to arrange themselves into two groups, according to their cards.
One group will represent the correct modes of transmission and the other group will represent
transmission misconceptions. When groups are assembled, review the answers and make
corrections as needed. Allow time for discussion and questions.

5 Hand out Handouts 2 and 3 to participants. They could write a sentence to clarify each description
on the handouts, if necessary.

30 minutes

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 1^101

Free download pdf