Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
Rules: If you know you are HIV positive, then this test is not for you.
If you were tested for HIV, work from the day you were tested.
If you have not been tested, work from the year when HIV came to your country.

Points: For Questions 1 to 8: Yes = 10 No = 0
For Questions 9 to 11: Yes = 0 No = 10


  1. Have you or your sexual partner ever had a blood transfusion?

  2. Have you ever had injections from a non-professional practitioner who may not have taken care to
    use sterile equipment?

  3. Have you ever shared skin piercing equipment?

  4. Have you ever had sex?

  5. Have you ever had sex with someone who already had sex with someone else? (if uncertain, score 10)

  6. Have you had sex with more than one sexual partner?

  7. Have you ever separated from your sexual partner and then resumed the sexual relationship after
    some time?

  8. Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?

  9. Were you a virgin when you married? If not married: Are you a virgin now?

  10. Do you use condoms correctly and consistently every time you have sex?

  11. Was your husband/wife a virgin when you married? If not married: Are you sure your partner
    is a virgin?
    Scores: 0 = Low risk; 10 to 40 = At risk; 40 to 80 = High risk; 80 to 110 = Very high risk
    Source: Rev. Canon Gideon Byamugisha, 2002

HIV Self-Risk Assessment Quiz

In this activity, you will:
 Help participants understand their individual HIV risk status

Facilitator’s notes:

The quiz in this activity is designed to make participants aware that their own actions, behaviour and
choices may put them at risk of becoming infected with HIV. For example, a person who does not
practise safe sex is at greater risk of infection than a person who uses a condom whenever they have sex.

To facilitate this activity:

1 Before you begin reading the questions out, make sure the participants understand the rules of
the quiz and how to score. This quiz is for participants to assess their own risk status, so do not
ask them to share their scores at the end. Assure participants that their answers will remain strictly
confidential. If time permits, follow the quiz with a discussion.

Are you at risk of HIV infection?

Activity 4

30 minutes

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 1^103

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