Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers
 Copies of Handout 2

To facilitate this activity:

1 Distribute Handout 2 to participants. Explain to the group that there are many institutions and
individuals at various levels of society who have a role to play in caring for and supporting OVC.
Review the examples on the handout and clarify what each one means. For example, you can
clarify Civil Society Organisationsor Private Sectorby giving some examples.

2 Then divide the participants into groups. Give each group one or two categories to work with
and ask them to brainstorm what they think the roles and responsibilities of each one are in caring
for, supporting and protecting OVC. This should take about ten minutes.

3 Back in plenary, summarise the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder category by writing
the feedback from the groups up on the flipchart.

You may add additional information based on your
facilitator’s notes. Allow time for questions and

40 minutes

(^120) Unit 2, Module 1 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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