The Seven Components of OVC Support:
1 Welfare (Care and Support)
- Provision of basic needs (food, water,
shelter, clothing, bedding) - Community support to households that
care for OVC - Support to OVC who are mothers
- Awareness of benefits of family planning
3 Education
- Formal and informal education
- Life skills training
- Vocational training
- Caregiver education (and adult literacy)
- Special needs education
5 Psychosocial Support
- Community-based (and institutional)
psychosocial support - Child-friendly health and education services
- Recreation activities for children and youth
- Mentoring
- Peer groups
7 Legal Advice and Representation
- Rights, including gender advocacy
- Inheritance rights
- Policy formulation and implementation
Activity 4: The Seven Components of OVC Support
In this activity, you will:
Look at seven key components of support for orphans and vulnerable children
Facilitator’s notes:
Both the government and other advocacy groups involved in setting policy for OVC support, have
identified seven broad categories of the types of support that OVC, and their caregivers, need.
Activity 4
2 Child Protection
- Fostering, guardianship and adoption
- Protection from child labour
- Succession planning and inheritance
issues - Protection from sexual abuse and
other forms of abuse and exploitation
4 Health
- Access to healthcare
- Immunisations
- Nutrition
- Treatment of HIV/AIDS, including ARVs
- Caregiver health
6 Socio-Economic Security
- Income generating activities
- Financial and entrepeneurial
initiatives - Job development in formal and
informal sector - Internships and apprenticeships
- Social security benefits (for orphans,
for elderly caregivers)
Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 1^121