Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and different coloured markers
 Copies of Handouts 1 and 2 (from previous activities)
 Copies of Handout 3

To facilitate this activity:

1 Give out Handout 3 to participants. Explain that not only the government,
but also advocacy groups involved in setting policy for OVC support, have identified
seven broad categories of the types of support that OVC need.
Refer the participants to their handout and ask them to explain what they understand
about each category.

2 There is space on their handout for the participants to write in more detailed information
and/or examples beneath each category, if they wish. You can refer to your facilitator’s
notes to help the participants complete the information.

3 Allow for questions and answers until you are satisfied that they understand the seven categories.

4 Then return to the flipchart pages where the
responsibilities of the various stakeholders from
Activities 2 and 3 were listed, and next to each
responsibility listed, have the participants try to
identify the category or categories of support they
Use a different coloured marker or crayon for each

40 minutes

(^122) Unit 2, Module 1 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Free download pdf