Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers
 Copies of Handout 3

To facilitate this activity:

1 Explain to the group that although children do have rights that are enshrined in law, these rights
are often violated. We may speak of certain violations of children’s rights as child abuse.

2 Part 1 of this activity will deal with the different forms of child abuse. Label the top of a sheet of
flipchart paper: Forms of Child Abuse. Go through the five forms of abuse one by one, explaining
each to the group. Begin with Physical Abuse. Give some examples (for example, kicking, hitting,
or burning). Ask the group if they agree that these are examples of abuse, and thus are examples
of the violation of children’s rights. Ask them if they think these forms of abuse exist in their

3 You may then ask for two volunteers to come up and dramatise or act out Physical Abuse.
One will play the role of the abuser and one will play the role of the child. The ‘abuser’ will not
actually hit or kick, but will only pretend to. The volunteer playing the role of the child should act
out the effect that this has on the child, for example sadness, fear or anger. The important point
here is that participants get a sense of what its like to be in a child’s shoes.

4 Repeat for the remaining four types of child abuse, i.e. Emotional Abuse, Neglect, Child Labourand
Sexual Abuse. You may ask for volunteers to role-play each example (with the exception of sexual
abuse). In each instance, ask the participants if they agree that these are examples of the violation
of children’s rights, and if they believe such violations occur in their community.

5 Distribute Handout 3 so that the participants have a copy of
the five forms of abuse.

6 For Part 2 of this activity, divide the participants into groups.
Ask them: Why do adults abuse children? Groups should
brainstorm the causes of, or factors that contribute to,
child abuse. They should write their ideas on flipchart
paper, or on Handout 3. Allow ten minutes for this.

7 Then groups should brainstorm the consequencesof
child abuse: that is, the effects that abuse has on the child.
The groups should then present their ideas in plenary.
Review and amend responses according to your facilitator’s

You may conduct this as a discussion activity only, if that
suits your timeframes and the literacy level of the group.

1 hour

(^132) Unit 2, Module 1 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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