Introduction and Objectives for Topic 1
Orphans and vulnerable children often find themselves in difficult situations in which their basic
needs are neglected. They may also have special needs because of their vulnerable status.
They will likely have suffered the sickness and eventual death of one or more caregiver and
associated economic hardships. They may face malnutrition, lack of basic care and protection,
a lack of practical life skills, and more. The stresses to which they are subjected may result in
emotional instability, guilt, depression and psychosocial trauma. All of these problems will affect
these children’s future well-being. It is therefore important to attend to the various needs of these
children to ensure that they live meaningful lives; and that they are supported with psychosocial,
nutritional and healthcare requirements to ensure their healthy development and growth.
Some of the needs and problems that vulnerable children face have been discussed in Module 1,
and are again reviewed in this topic. This topic also serves as an introduction to further topics on
the needs of children in general, and vulnerable children in particular.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this topic, participants will be able to:
Discuss the different needs of children, and of vulnerable children in particular.
Explain the different needs of children in relation to their age, and what signs they
display when needs are not met.
Describe the problems faced by orphans and vulnerable children in their communities.
Explain the effects of these problems.
Discuss indicators of problems in children.
(^148) Unit 2, Module 2 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children