Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
Indicators of healthy development in children:
 Playing, especially with other children
 Forming friendships
 Participating in decision-making
 Good appetite
 Peaceful sleep
 School attendance
 Good performance in school
 Participating in spiritual activities.

Indicators of possible problems in children:
 Lack of interest and
energy in playing
 Displays of anger and hostility
 Sadness and depression
 Poor concentration and
 Aggressive behaviour.

Indicators of Development in Children

In this activity, you will:
 Discuss indicators or signs of either healthy development or poor development
in children

Facilitator’s notes:

This activity builds on the last one. You may want to briefly remind participants of the
definitions for growth and development in children from the last activity. While a person
may notice whether a child’s body is growing properly or not, it is not always obvious whether
a child is developing well emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

Indicators are outward signs, usually displays of social behaviour and personal habits, that help to
indicate a child’s well-being. Explain to participants that, as home visitors, they should be aware of
these signs in the children they visit. Signs of poor development in children will often be the result
of deep distress and grief, and can be overcome through appropriate care and counselling.
In fact, they are often signals that a child needs help.

Activity 2

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 2^163

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