Introduction and Objectives for Topic 4
Counselling and communicating with troubled children is recognised by childcare professionals
as a major need and component of these children’s development. Vulnerable children need
therapeutic support to help them to understand and cope with their difficult circumstances.
Vulnerable children face social, emotional, psychological, as well as material hardships, which are
beyond their ability to control.
Currently, little attempt is made by care organisations and individuals to listen to children themselves
and to understand their fears and concerns about the situations they are in. Decisions are often
made without consulting the children affected by the decision.
Vulnerable children need emotional support and positive adult role models to enable them cope
with their situation. They need to be listened to and accepted, and this can only be achieved if
community care members and home visitors are equipped with skills to counsel and communicate
effectively with children.
In Topic 4, participants will work through activities that will provide them with an understanding of
effective ways to communicate with children; and assist with developing their own skills for effective
Learning Objectives
By the end of this topic, participants will be able to:
Describe the characteristics of a child.
Explain methods of communicating with children.
Discuss the knowledge and skills used in counselling and communicating with children.
Discuss the do’s and don’ts of communicating with children.
Demonstrate skills in communicating with and counselling vulnerable children.
(^174) Unit 2, Module 2 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children