Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

This guide is intended to provide useful tools for individuals and organisations
seeking to mobilise and strengthen community-led care for orphans and
vulnerable children (OVC). It is based on an OVC programming strategy
developed by World Vision, an international Christian relief and development

In line with global best practice, World Vision’s OVC programming strategy
focuses on strengthening family and community care for OVC, primarily
through support ofcommunity care coalitions(CCCs) that bring
together churches and other faith-based organisations, government, local
business, traditional structures, and other NGOs. Building on efforts already
underway in the community, these coalitions support home visitors:
women and men who volunteer to take responsibility for identifying,
monitoring, assisting, and protecting OVC. CCCs facilitate both
co-ordination and expansion of OVC responses within the community.

The guide is composed of two units. Unit 1 is a resource for mobilisers
of community-led OVC care using the CCC strategy. Unit 2 is a resource
for facilitators who lead training to equip CCCs and their home visitors to
provide effective, sustainable care for OVC.

The guide was developed through World Vision’s HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,
working to expand and enhance responses to HIV/AIDS in the nearly 100
countries where World Vision works around the world.

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