Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Introduction and Objectives for Topic 7

As children grow up, they develop a sense of awareness about their moral and spiritual identity.
Because this may not be nurtured in them and because of their distressing circumstances, many
orphans and vulnerable children feel the lack of a moral or spiritual centre to their lives and so
they may feel that their life has little meaning. When spiritual needs are not attended to, life
becomes an endless challenge, devoid of hope. In this topic, spiritual counselling and support for
vulnerable children is discussed as a means to helping them develop a sense of moral purpose in
their lives; and develop a sense of hope for the future.

Instead of having hope and trust in God, and having a strong sense of a positive moral identity,
children and youths may resort to negative survival strategies such as commercial sex, taking to
the streets, crime, substance abuse and other risky behaviours.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this topic, participants will be able to:
 Describe possible signs of spiritual problems among children.
 Describe signs of spiritual health among children.
 Discuss strategies for spiritual care and support among orphans and vulnerable children.

(^202) Unit 2, Module 2 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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