Signs of Spiritual Problems in OVC
In this activity, you will:
Discuss indications of spiritual and moral distress in vulnerable children
Facilitator’s notes:
In this activity, you will define what is meant by spiritualand by moral. You will also go through
indicators of possible spiritual problems vulnerable children may have.
For this activity you will need:
Flipchart and markers
To facilitate this activity:
1 Ask participants to define what is meant by spiritualand by moral. Review their answers
by using the definitions you have in your notes.
2 Then ask participants to describe signs of possible spiritual problems in children. They may
want to give examples from their own experience and community. Add ideas from the list in
your facilitator’s notes. Tell participants that spiritual needs are just one aspect of the general
needs of the child and that children’s needs are explored further in Module 3.
Activity 1
Spiritual - concerning the spirit rather than the external material world or body; dealing with
a sense of the sacred or religious.
Moral - having a sense of right and wrong; living according to an accepted code of behaviour.
Some signs of spiritual distress
Lack of meaning and purpose in life, expressed as:
- Wanting to die
- Feelings of despair and helplessness
- Withdrawal from life – losing the desire to communicate or eat
- Exhibiting angry and disruptive behaviour.
Lack of love, expressed as: - Cautious about loving people
- Worry and depression
- Guilt
- Anger
- Not able to receive love
- Not trusting people.
Lack of hope, creativity and independence, expressed as: - Anxiety about the future
- Displaying overly dependant behaviour or seeking attention
- Denial of the reality of the condition.
30 minutes
Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 2^203