For this activity you will need:
Flipchart and markers
Copies of Handouts 2 and 3
To facilitate this activity:
1 Introduce the activity by explaining that children living with HIV or those born to HIV positive
mothers require special nutritional care and support.
2 Explain that people living with HIV/AIDS often lack some or all of the categories of food
nutrients, because their immune systems are not strong. Get participants to discuss why
they think children living with HIV/AIDS need good nutritional care and support. Write their
responses up on the flipchart and then discuss and add any points you think are necessary from
your facilitator’s notes.
3 Ask participants to outline the different ways home visitors can ensure the nutritional
intake of children living with HIV/AIDS. Summarise the responses
into four to six strategies, using your facilitator’s notes for guidance.
4 Divide participants into groups – so that there is a group for each
strategy. Groups should consider and then describe activities that
a home visitor can do to ensure such support is actually provided.
5 Groups report back to plenary and present their strategy outlines.
Review their responses and add any points as necessary from
your facilitator’s notes.
6 Distribute copies of Handouts 2 and 3 to participants for reference.
Expanded notes
on the nutritional
requirements of
adults and children
living with HIV/AIDS
are in Appendix 2
on page 355
note !!
45 minutes
(^230) Unit 2, Module 3 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children