Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Sexual and Reproductive Health

In this activity, you will:
 Discuss sexual and reproductive health as an important personal health issue

Facilitator’s notes:
Sexual and reproductive health practices can be considered hygiene practices that are important
to help stop the spread of sexually transmitted illnesses, such as HIV/AIDS.

All humans are sexual beings, whether they acknowledge this or not. Discussing sexual health is a
difficult subject because of the many taboos around speaking openly about sexual issues. One way
to start a discussion about sexual health is to emphasise that sexual health is part of general health.
It is part of taking care of ourselves, in the same way that we may take care of our emotional well-
being. This activity focuses on participants having access to factual information about sexual health
issues, based on the topics in the list below. You will need to collect pamphlets, brochures or other
print materials on these topics, so as to share information with the group.

Activity 7

For this activity you will need:
 Brocures, pamphlets and other information on sexual health
 Extra sheets of blank paper
 Flipchart and markers

To facilitate this activity:

1 Introduce this topic by acknowledging that it is a sensitive one. Using your facilitator’s notes,
discuss sexual health issues, emphasising the importance of having correct information. Access to
facts will help people to make informed choices about how they conduct themselves sexually,
and allow them to take action to maintain their sexual health. People who lack information are
more vulnerable to becoming infected with sexually transmitted illnesses, including HIV/AIDS.
Discuss with the group how reproductive health affects boys and girls differently.

2 Write up the list above on the flipchart and get the group to copy it. They will then be required to
access the relevant information on these aspects of sexual health. Share any print materials you
have collected with the group. They can use this information to fill in any gaps they have in their
knowledge. If there are some areas where information is lacking, they should try to find this out
themselves in their own time, by using resources from clinics or healthcare centres.

40 minutes

All adults need information on sexual and reproductive health, for example:

  • sexual biology (how the male and female bodies work)

  • conception, pregnancy and birth

  • sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS

  • check-ups and treatment for sexual infections

  • contraception and safe sex practices

  • educating children and youth on safe sex and sexual health, according to need and age.

(^250) Unit 2, Module 3 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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