Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Introduction and Objectives for Topic 1

Schooling is important to children, not only as a means of helping them to gain life skills, vocational
skills and to prepare them to support themselves (an issue of particular importance to children
affected by HIV/AIDS), but also because it is a principal mechanism for their social integration
and psychological development. Going to school helps to make life normal for children.

But often vulnerable children are unable to go to school, either because of a lack of school fees
or because of huge responsibilities at home. If a household is suffering the trauma of HIV/AIDS
and is generally depressed which results in the children’s needs being neglected, then often children
drop out of school because they are not motivated and supported to keep going. Vulnerable children,
such as those who are disabled and those who are HIV positive, may also be discriminated against
and stigmatised in the community. These children may often be kept hidden and are denied access
to schooling. The activities in this topic will help participants to understand the importance and the
benefits of schooling for all children.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this topic, participants will be able to:
 Discuss the importance of education for OVC.
 List the barriers to OVC access to education.
 Discuss possible community-led initiatives to overcome barriers to OVC access
to education.

Although this training is conducted in English,
there is enough space on the handouts for
information to be translated. Participants can
translate the information into the language of
their choice while on the training course, or
they can do so later when they are practising
home visitors.

note on language

(^254) Unit 2, Module 4 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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