For this activity you will need:
Copies of Handout 1
Flipchart and markers
To facilitate this activity:
1 Divide the participants into small groups and ask each
group to brainstorm as many possible barriers to children’s
access to education as they can think of. Once each
group has made a list of barriers, ask them to select the
two or three factors that are the biggest barriers to
vulnerable children’s education in their own community.
Back in plenary, have each group present its ideas.
2 In the discussion, find out if the groups agree on the
barriers that are the greatest problems in their own
community. If groups agree, find out why; if they don’t
agree, discuss why not. Allow time for questions and
discussion. Supplement the participants’ ideas using
your facilitator’s notes.
3 Distribute Handout 1 to participants.
Activity 2: Barriers to Children’s Access to Education
In this activity, you will:
Discuss why orphans and vulnerable children may find it difficult to get schooling
Facilitator’s notes:
Activity 2
Possible barriers to children’s access to education:
- The child may be needed at home to care for a sick parent or to attend to other
household tasks, such as looking after younger children. - The child’s parents or guardian may not understand the importance of educating the
child, or there may be general neglect of a child’s needs in a dysfunctional household. - Parents or guardians may not think the school curriculum is relevant to the child’s
and familiy’s needs. - Children may not have the money for school fees, uniform costs or books.
- Children may suffer from stigma or discrimination at school because of HIV/AIDS in
their family; or because of being disabled, or because of poverty. - Female children may be discouraged from attending school because they are girls.
- The local school might not have adequate staff or facilities to cope with children
with special needs, for example, physically or mentally disabled children.
40 minutes
(^256) Unit 2, Module 4 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children