Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

The Importance of Life Skills

In this activity, you will:
 Define what life skillsare and discuss why they are so important

Facilitator’s notes:

Life skills are important to help children, as well as OVC, to:
 Make positive choices about their health
 Recognise and avoid risky situations and behaviour
 Make informed decisions
 Make a positive contribution to the wider community.

For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers

To facilitate this activity:

1 Ask participants what they understand by life skills. Then clarify what life skillsmean by
presenting the definitions in your facilitator’s notes.

2 Ask participants to give examples of life skills and to explain why these skills are important.
Use the information in your facilitator’s notes to clarify and summarise.
Give participants the opportunity to ask questions and discuss.

What are Life Skills?
Life skillsare abilities we acquire, practise and apply to our day-to-day lives in order
to constructively and positively deal with daily challenges.

Life skills refer to those abilities needed by an individual to operate effectively in
society in an acceptable way.

Life skills will help orphans and vulnerable children to live positively with
themselves, their families, and their wider community.

Activity 1

20 minutes

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 4^261

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