Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Introduction and Objectives for Topic 4

It is important for people who are facing an untimely death to be introduced to the idea of
succession planning for their families. This involves will-making (which will legally secure the
property of the family after the parents’ death); and recording family stories and histories in
memory books and boxes (to preserve the family’s history and background for the children).

Succession planning also involves parents considering a standby guardian to look after their
children when they are no longer around. The standby guardian could be a friend or a relative
of the family, who can become involved with the children even before their parent dies.

In order for people to have their wishes honoured and carried out after death, it is necessary
to have these wishes planned and documented. This calls for home visitors to support families
by educating them on will-making and its importance; and by helping chronically ill family members
to write wills and to plan for their children’s future. All these issues will be discussed in this topic.

Learning Objectives for this Topic:

By the end of this topic, participants will be able to:
 Explain the meaning of succession planning.
 Discuss why succession planning is important.
 Discuss the protection of inheritance rights, especially for children
 Discuss the importance of making a will and what should be included in a will.
 Discuss memory books and memory boxes.
 Discuss the idea of a standby guardian and how to prepare a child for this.
 Discuss ways to support a standby guardian.

The information on will-making in this
topic is intended as a general guide.
For more specific information on the
laws and regulations regarding wills
in your country, you will need to
do further research to get the
relevant information before
you run these sessions.


(^278) Unit 2, Module 4 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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