Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
In the World Vision Kasangombe ADP in Uganda, criteria for the identification
of OVC were developed jointly through widespread community consultations.
The following steps were taken to generate criteria for identifying OVC:

Discussions at village-level meetings
During community mobilisation meetings at village level, participants generated characteristics of
OVC in the community.

Ranking during stakeholders meeting at parish level
Communities were able to narrow down the OVC identification criteria generated in different
villages through a process of ranking and prioritisation conducted by a cross-section of
stakeholders at the parish level.

Analysis by CCC at ADP level
The OVC criteria generated from different parishes were analysed further by members of the
CCC at the ADP level meeting. Six criteria were chosen to be applied throughout each ADP
to assist in the selection process. These criteria were:

  1. Single/double orphans

  2. Children living with HIV/AIDS

  3. Children with chroniocally illparents

  4. Children from extremely poor families

  5. Children from families of elderly parents of 65 years of age and above

  6. Children living with HIV/AIDS

  7. Disability (of children or parents/guardians).

Case Study

Once the criteria have been standardised, CCC members can initiate the process of selecting and
registering children for their programme at village level according to a prioritisation of needs.
This is one of the most crucial phases as it requires selflessness, honesty and integrity on the part
of all those concerned.

The case study below shows an example of a participatory process for generating criteria for the
identification of vulnerable children.

(^14) Unit 1, Module 1 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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