Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

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Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), Training Trainers for Development:
Conducting a Workshop on Participatory Training Techniques, Washington, DC, USA, 1995.

Child Protection Society, Zimbabwe & UNICEF, Approaches to Community-Based Care: A Guide for
Groups and Organizations Wishing to Assist Orphans and Other Children in Distress, Harare, Zimbabwe,

Cook, Michele, Starting from Strengths: Community Care for Orphaned Children: A Training Manual
Supporting the Community Care of Vulnerable Orphans, University of Victoria, Unit for Research and
Education on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, School of Children and Youth, Canada, and
Chancellor College, Department of Psychology, Malawi, 1998.

de Beer, Frik and Hennie Swanepoel, Community Development and Beyond: Issues, Structures and
Procedures, J.L.Van Schaik Publishers, Pretoria, South Africa, 1998.

Dyregrov, Atle, Grief in Children: A Handbook for Adults, Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd., London, UK,

Family Health International and SCOPE OVC Programme, Compilation of Psychosocial Training Materials
for the Emotional Well-Being Evaluation of Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Lusaka, Zambia, 2001.

First Regional Think Tank on Psychosocial Support for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS, Salvation Army,
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2001.

Gilborn, Laelia Zoe, Rebecca Nyonyintono, Robert Kabumbuli and Gabriel Jagwe-Wadda; Making a
Difference for Children Affected by AIDS: Baseline Findings from Operations Research in Uganda,
The Population Council, Inc., 2001.

Greyling, Christo, Channels of Hope, Facilitator’s Manual, Presenting Effective HIV and AIDS Workshops for
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International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Assessing Factors of Community/Social Context: PCA Project Design
Toolkit # 2, Alliance Publications, Brighton, UK, 2001.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Building Blocks: Africa-Wide Briefing Notes. Resources for Communities
Working with Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Alliance Publications, Brighton, UK, 2003.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Children’s Participation in HIV/AIDS Programming, Alliance Publications,
Brighton, UK, 2004.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Expanding Community-Based Support for Orphans and Vulnerable
Children, Alliance Publications, Brighton, UK, 2002.

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Appendix 3, References^361

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