Optional Activity 2: Individual and collective response
The following activity may also help the participants in deciding on the structure they wish to form.
Ask each organisation, institution or individual to write one brief statement that sums up their mission.
(If some do not have a defined mission statement, ask them to write down simply what it is that their
organisation wants to achieve.)
Ask each organisation or individual to write down what it sees as the OVC priorities for its community.
Ask each organisation or individual to then draw a picture of their mission and how it relates to work
in the community. For example, an organisation with a mission to improve food security might draw a
picture of a child picking tomatoes to indicate a means of improving the nutrition of OVC.
Now pair two organisations or individuals together. Ask them to read their missions and show their
drawings to each other, and to then make another drawing, together, showing how a partnership
between the two of them would manifest itself, with respect to work in the community. a question
to ask is: How do the two missions combined together relate to work in the community?
Following this, pair this pair with another pair (to make a group of four organisations or individuals)
and repeat the exercise. The four must come up with a newdrawing to show what their community
response would look like, if they were all partnered together.
Continue in this fashion, ‘pairing pairs’, until the group is working as one undivided whole. Ask the
group as a whole, finally, to make a drawing, showing what their collective response in the community
would look like.
You may wrap up by comparing this final drawing with the individual drawings that each organisation
drafted in the first step of the activity. This may assist the members in deciding how they can best
structure their response. There is no right or wrong outcome to this activity. The participants may
decide that they can achieve more working collectively; or they may decide that the mixing of missions
creates too much confusion and things worked better when each organisation worked individually.
Their conclusion will impact on which CCC model they decide to choose.
Activity Three: Leader selection
Once the group has decided on the type of structure it would like to form, they may wish to elect
leaders for the CCC (both CCC Model 1 and Model 2 can benefit from good leadership). Leadership
could typically include a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a secretary (who performs administrative
duties) and a treasurer (who looks after the finances of the CCC). Each of these roles will need to
be filled by a candidate selected by the group. Emphasise that candidate selection should be based
on who can best fill the role, irrespective of gender. The voting may be open (nomination of a
candidate and a show of hands) or secret (written down on paper or stones placed in a pile).
The voting method should be decided by the group.
Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 1, Module 2^39