Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
Activity 4: Support to home visitors

Refer the CCC back to the questions (from Mobiliser Reference 4: Identifying Home Visitors) that ask:

  • What kind of compensation, if any, will home visitors receive?

  • What forms of encouragement can be given if there is no compensation, i.e. entirely voluntary?

  • How can we help the volunteers to stay motivated?

Use three sheets of flipchart paper. On one, write, ‘World Vision Support’. On another write,
‘Community Support’, and on the third write, ‘Home Visitor Internal Motivation’.

You may list, on the ‘World Vision Support’ sheet, any form of support that World Vision will be
offering the home visitors. It is important that the home visitor programme does not rely solely on
World Vision support in order to be successful, however, so the forms of support listed here should
not be the over-riding focus of this exercise.

Nevertheless, you may point out the following benefits to
the home visitor that may arise out of World Vision’s
 Training (in some countries, the training that home
visitors receive from WV may help them to
upgrade their skills for eventual entry into the
formal job market)
 Raincoats, rubber boots, umbrellas and other
protective gear (if applicable)
 Exchange visits (if applicable)
 Access to support groups (if applicable).

Once you have filled in this sheet on World Vision’s
support to home visitors, ask the CCC to fill in the
remaining two sheets. On the sheet on ‘Community
Support’, they should think of the various ways that
they – the CCC – and the community at large, can help
to support home visitors.

This discussion should not be limited to material support, but also emotional support, appropriate
forms of recognition; mentoring assistance and assistance with home visitor’s household tasks.
If you allow the CCC to brainstorm, they may come up with some creative ideas.

(^46) Unit 1, Module 2 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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