Ask the groups to think about the following questions in relation to their work in supporting orphans
and vulnerable children in their communities:
What major external opportunities do we have?
What major external threats do we face?
What are our major internal strengths?
What are our major internal weaknesses?
Allow time for groups to discuss these issues and offer guidance, if needed.
Hand out copies ofMobiliser Reference 4: The SWOT Analysis(see page 52) to each group and let them
fill in the SWOT analysis sheet, based on the broad points raised in their discussions. Then get groups
to give their ideas and experiences in plenary, and write up their main points on flipchart paper.
These points will be referred to in the next activity when the CCC will formulate recommendations
for increased action for OVC support and care.
Activity 6: Formulating recommendations to increase support to OVC
The points raised in the SWOT analysis exercise which will be used to help CCC formulate
recommendations for increasing care, support and protection of OVC in their communities.
It may be useful to remind participants to be clear about their aims as they do this activity – they
should have these aims in mind in order to set out their objectives. They need to identify their aims
and objectives clearly in order to come up with recommendations for what they want to achieve.
Start the activity by reminding participants of the difference between aims(over-riding, general, guiding,
long-term and open) and objectives, which should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time
bound. The acronym SMART helps people to remember these criteria.
Again divide the participants into groups according to the institutions or groups they represent.
Groups should discuss and come up with a set of aims that they, as a group, want to achieve in
supporting OVC. It is important to remind groups that these aims or recommendations should be
do-able, because they will form the basis of their Action Plan. Refer them back to their SWOT
sheets if they need get further input on their aims.
Once each group has a set of aims written up, they should select a representative to present their
group’s aims to plenary. Once all the groups have presented their aims, summarise the discussion
by highlighting the main points. These points will form the basis of the CCC’s action plan to support
and care for orphans and vulnerable children in their community.
(^48) Unit 1, Module 2 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children