Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Activity 7: Action plans

Groups will use their lists of aims or recommendations to draw up an action plan for supporting
OVC. The action plan will serve as an outline and guide for action for the CCC and all its members.
All members of the CCC should have a copy of the Action Plan, so that they can act upon it.

Keep participants in the same groups according to their organisations or institutions, as appropriate.
Ask each group to review their aims, for example:

  • What are your aims and objectives as an organisation?

  • What are the obstacles that will hinder you to achieve these aims and objectives?

  • What factors can help you to achieve these aims and objectives?

  • What can be done to decrease the obstacles and increase the positive factors?
    This will help groups consider what actions they can take to make their aims become a reality.

Get groups to write up the actions or steps that they will take to achieve their aims and objectives.
Remind the groups that their objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant
and time bound). Emphasise that the action plans should be realistic and include how and when they
will be implemented, for example, who will do a task and by when. The plans should be written
up on flipchart paper.

When groups have completed their action plans, get each group put their list up and to present
their action plan in plenary. Explain to the groups that by presenting their action plan to the whole
group, they are also committing themselves to taking the actions they have stated on their lists.

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 1, Module 2^49

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