Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Once the CCC has chosen the indicators that they wish to track, review each indicator one by one to
determine where they will find the necessary information. For example, ‘Number of OVC registered’
comes from the amount of OVC Registers filled in. ‘Number of OVC registered who are visited
regularly’ comes from the Home Visit Records. ‘Number and percent of OVC in school’ will also
come from the Home Visit Record if the forms were drafted to include this information. If not, the
CCC will have to decide if they want to revise the Home Visit Record, or if they want to develop
a different way to track this information.

When each indicator has been reviewed, assist the CCC in drawing a simple monitoring form
on flipchart paper, similar to the example given in Mobiliser Reference 5 (see page 58). Each indicator
should be listed, with the ‘Source of Data’ identified, and columns drawn for each month of the year.

Explain to the CCC that Primary and Secondary monitoring should be done monthly, while Tertiary
monitoring/evaluation may be done less frequently, depending on the difficulty of information

The CCC should decide who is to be responsible for collecting the data and filling out the monitoring
form. This need not be one person, but may rather be a group.

As mobiliser, you should periodically assist the group to evaluate their results. Information collection
is not an end in itself, but rather a means to an end of understanding how effective our work is.
On a trimestral or semestral basis you should meet with the CCC to review their ‘tertiary indicators’
(impact indicators) and discuss with them the extent to which they feel their efforts have been
successful in improving the lives of OVC in their community.

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 1, Module 1^55

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