Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
What are Community Care Coalitions (CCC)?

The term Community Care Coalitionsis used to refer to groups or committees of individuals,
representing different institutions or groups that exist in the community and are providing support
to the OVC directly or indirectly.

Examples of members of such committees may include support groups of PLWHA, church groups
and other FBOs, traditional leaders, women’s and men’s groups, parents and teachers associations
(PTAs), co-operative groups, political leaders at grassroot level, youth groups, households caring
for OVC, OVC themselves, government departments in the community and local authorities
at district level.

World Vision Definitions used in this Guide

The World Vision definitions of orphans and vulnerable children outlined below are to be used
consistently in all training:

 Orphans – Children less than 18 years, who have lost either one or both biological
or foster/adoptive parents.

 Vulnerable Children – Children who are assessed by an agreed set of objective criteria
to be in need of external assistance. Vulnerable children may be:

Children whose parents are chronically ill – These children are often even more
vulnerable than orphans, because they are coping with the psychosocial burden of watching
a parent become increasingly ill and frail; and the economic burdens of reduced income and
increased healthcare expenses.

Children living in households that have taken in orphans – When a household
absorbs orphans, existing household resources are spread more thinly among all children
in the household, making them more vulnerable.

Children with physical or intellectual disabilities – whether they are orphans or
not. Through discrimination, fear and lack of understanding, children with disabilities are
often undervalued, and face neglect and malnutrition. These children are often hidden and
rarely attend school. They are often more likely to suffer sexual abuse and violence and
are least likely to have access to information about HIV and how to avoid infection.

Any other children the community identifies as most vulnerable – using criteria
developed jointly by the community and World Vision staff. For example, one of the
critical criteria may be the poverty level of the household.

(^52) Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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