What is the desired outcome of CCC training?
The CCC training aims at achieving impacts articulated through the transformational Development
Dialogue for All of World Vision’s work, adapted for use in areas heavily affected by HIV/AIDS.
This transformational agenda aims to:
Empower community memberswith knowledge and skills to care, support and protect
OVC and their families at community level.
Empower and equip householdsand communities caring for OVC to:
- Ensure the survival of orphans and other highly vulnerable children.
- Enhance access to healthcare and basic education for OVC.
- Provide spiritual and emotional nurturing for OVC.
- Ensure sustainable household livelihoods and enhance the capacity of OVC
to earn a future livelihood. - Protect OVC from abuse and exploitation.
Empower and equip orphans and other highly vulnerable childrento:
- Care for themselves, their siblings, their aged guardians, and other vulnerable
members of their household and community. - Protect themselves and others from HIV infection.
- Serve as agents of transformation in the present and the future.
The home visitor is the transformational
development agent, working within the
In order to become active home visitors,
they undergo World Vision’s training
course for the community-led care for
Home visitors acquire the necessary
information, counselling and
communication skills through the
training, in order to monitor and
give care and support to vulnerable
children in their community.
The Home Visitor
Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines^55