Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Preparing for successful CCC home visitor training

The success of the CCC home visitor practical training course depends largely on the quality of the
planning– the selection of appropriate trainees or course participants, quality of trainers, length of the
training, venue and sufficient time of invitation for trainees, involvement of some of the target trainees
in planning the training, simplicity of language of training materials, use of audio visual materials, etc.

This training should be part of an overall ADP/Project Annual Operational Plan, aimed at achieving
long-term objectives. This will ensure the integration of OVC programming within the ADP/Project.
Participatory planning with the community is also important and will help to inform your training
procedures. For example, it may change the way OVC beneficiaries are identified in the community.
Successful CCC training requires preparation to be done even before the first training course is planned.

Key programme issues that need to be addressed to ensure successful training are:

  1. The purpose of the training and the desired outcomes must be made clear to the community
    and ADP staff. These objectives must be based on the needs and interests of the CCC
    members. This may involve carrying out a simple training needs assessment among CCC members.

  2. Training is a learning process and requires sufficient time for effectiveness. For example, a series
    of short training courses may be more effective than a long course, as this will give participants
    time to incorporate what has been learnt into their work practices.

  3. CCC training must be managed and supported by strong, qualified professionals whose experience
    is respected within the community.

  4. The training facilitator or trainer should ideally be someone from within the ADP who has a
    full-time responsibility for OVC programming. External consultants may be used to do the
    training, but they need to work with someone from within the ADP to co-ordinate logistics, and
    provide information on participants to the trainers.

  5. Training is more effective and efficient when key ADP staff, or at least the main facilitator, attends
    prior training or orientation on this guide. Training of trainers (TOT) is a critical element for
    achieving a long-term integration of capacity building issues for the community care of OVC.

  6. Budgeting for a training programme must be comprehensive. Facilitators will require adequate
    resources and support personnel in order to train effectively. Administrative and logistical
    support personnel must budget accurately and timeously for these requirements.

  7. No single training strategy will fit all communities. Each training strategy must take into account
    the particular nature of the community; and the social and economic context in which it is located.

  8. Finally, it is important that the CCC training is supported and not contradicted by other training
    or major functions in the ADP and community.

(^56) Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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