Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Adult training and learning

Aim to make adult training and learning as learner-centred or participatory as possible. The main
function of adult training is to equip learners or participants with the skills and knowledge to transform
their own social circumstances to meet their needs. The trainer should facilitate, rather than dictate,
this process. In CCC home visitor training, the facilitator should aim to use participatory training
methods in order to equip participants with the necessary practise in thinking and speaking skills,
and to boost their confidence as agents of information.

A participatory training programmehas the following characteristics:
 Learners or participants are partners in the training process
 The trainer is a facilitator, rather than controller, of the learning process
 The trainer is a guide, helping the group in a supportive way to manage their situation
 The learning experience is an open dialogue involving all group members. This implies that
everyone’s views should be heard and valued, whether the trainer or other participants agree
with them or not
 All group members actively take part and contribute
 The trainer does not lecture at the group. It must be assumed that learners have experience
and knowledge; and that solutions involve the sharing of ideas.

In training adults, the following points need to be assumed:

 A readiness to learn in adults occurs when they perceive a need to know. For example,
among CCC members this may occur when they feel a gap between where they are
in providing care to vulnerable children, and where they would want to be.

 Adults are more motivated to learn when they have experienced a need in their own life
situation and when gaining knowledge is relevent to their immediate needs.

 Adults are often motivated to learn for internal factors, such as self-esteem, recognition,
a better quality of life, greater self-confidence or the opportunity to self-actualise.

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines^57

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