Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Support staff
In planning your training, you also need to consider administrative and logistical support. Apart from
the training, this is important when planning the report of the workshop. It is much easier to write
up the report straight after each training session, rather than to trying to get it done later. You may
also want someone to take photographs for the report. If possible, have a non-facilitator in charge
of all practical arrangements including the venue, accommodation, refreshments, transport, childcare
facilities, translators, access and special needs.

Some tasks may be carried out by some of the participants, for example, liaising with the staff of
the venue, time-keeping and security. This will encourage a sense of responsibility in the group and
enable the facilitators to give full attention to the task of training.

Participants may also be asked to lead sessions. In these cases you should be clear about what you
expect of them, and whether they are part of the facilitation team planning the whole event, or just
leading specific sessions. Outside resource people may also be asked to come and give inputs and
lead discussions on particular topics. This can give fresh perspectives, but such people need to be
fully briefed on the aims and objectives of the workshop and the expectations of their sessions.
The same issues also need to be considered when arranging for support people to be co-facilitators.

Part of the role of the facilitation support staff is to make sure that all budgeting, logistical and
resource requirements have been taken care of. For example, if you need flipcharts and markers
or projector equipment, you will need to include this in your planning and alert support staff about
this timeously.

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Facilitator’s Guidelines^63

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