Chapter 6: Coaching Models 141
move along the continuum towards
‘hands-off’, the more control and
responsibility are transferred from the
coach to the learner.
~ Parsloe, 1999, p. 15
Experience as a coach will impact the structure of the process.
Obviously, more experienced coaches will be able to access a
broader variety of strategies and techniques as opposed to
inexperienced coaches. Peterson (2011) outlines the levels of
coaching expertise that give some guidance about how to use the
following approaches and models (see Table 6.3).
Table 6.3. Focus of Coaching Sessions by Coach’s Level of Expertise (adapted from
Peterson, 2011)
Level of
Focuses on immediate tasks.
Follows clear rules and may have difficulty dealing
with complex coaching issues.
Benefits from following session models step-by-step.
Finds it hard to handle exceptions to ‘normal’
coaching practice issues, even though rules of models
are guidelines and not prescriptions.