150 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice
learning and encourage it post-coaching. If supervisors are not
proficient in the learning topic, it must be decided how supervision
will be provided or if supervisors themselves should undergo
coaching. A clear agreement regarding communication between
supervisors, learners, and coaches is a priority.
At the end of the coaching agreement process, coaches should be
able to answer the following questions ( adapted from Kretzschmar,
Is the learner clear about what coaching is and what it is not?
What does the learner know about coaching already? What
expectations does the learner have?
As a coach have I clearly communicated my approach to
Is agency leadership clear about why coaching is being offered to
their employees, what the process involves, and what the
expected outcomes are?
What, if anything should occur prior to coaching? Do learners
need pre-coaching information or training?