Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1

164 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice

The improved CLEAR model consists of the following
components, which may occur almost simultaneously, multiple
times during one coaching session, or strung out between several
sessions (see Figure 6.3, Hawkins & Smith, 2006).

Table 6.6 provides detailed information on each step of the
CLEAR model.

Table 6.6. CLEAR Model (adapted from Hawkins & Smith, 2006)

CLEAR Step Key ingredients and tips for coaches


Hawkins and Smith suggest starting with the end in
mind (2006). Creating learning contracts set the stage for
the coaching process by discussing the goal or outcome
of the coaching, setting ground rules, discussing
boundaries as appropriate, and identifying other
specifics such as accountability, expectations, and
evaluation. Coaches can use the following questions to
help generate a learning contract:
 How do you want to use your time?
 What do you need to achieve in this session?

Figure 6.3. CLEAR Model (Hawkins & Smith, 2006)
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