Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1

170 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice

Table 6.7. Stages of the Flow Model (adapted from Flaherty, 2010)

Stages Descriptions

Stage 1:

The first step is to establish a relationship that will help to
create a strong foundation for coaching. This relationship
is often overlooked in professional coaching where the
coach attempts to begin the learning process without
having a relationship that is based on openness,
communication, appreciation, fairness, and shared

Stage 2:

Coaches and learners identify openings for which a
genuine partnership can be built. Even though learners
may have been enrolled in coaching by their supervisor,
coaches need to identify when the learner embraces the
coaching process and when finds value in the coaching
process. Openings refer to points during which coaches
and learners together understand the goal and purpose of
the learning topic. For example, during an initial
conversation with his coach, social worker Terry
discusses a desire to learn more about family finding.
Terry does not totally buy-in to the concept of family
finding as he acknowledges having some biases against
biological extended family members. He expresses an
urge to look at this issue more closely. Both Terry and his
coach agree the purpose of the coaching session and/or
entire process will be on the topic of family finding.
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