Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1

214 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice

understand the “big picture,” they can ensure their personal goals
are in balance with organizational goals.

Individuals are assigned tasks where they can apply what they
have learned and where they are stretched and challenged
(Dubin, 1990). Learners must have ample opportunity to apply new
skills and put into practice the skills they have been taught in more
formalized trainings events.

Mistakes are tolerated during learning and early application,
when individuals are trying new ideas and skills (Gundry, Kickul
& Prather, 1994; Sitkin, 1991). This cannot be emphasized enough.
If learners do not feel they have the ability to make mistakes without
reproach from supervisors or agency leadership, they will shy away
from taking risks and trying newly acquired skills. Fear of reprisal
can inhibit learning, initiative, and innovation (Suarez, 1994).

Individuals are accountable for learning, and performance
expectations are high enough to necessitate continued
personal growth (Rosow & Zager, 1988). Supervisors and other
leaders must maintain high expectations for performance and
continuous learning. Supervisors who assist with the transfer of
learning from the training event to everyday practice promote
professional development and growth. Individuals are recognized
for newly learned skills and for appropriate risk taking.

Situational constraints to learning and performance are
identified and minimized. Burnout is high among social workers,
which is due partly to the high intensity of stress and pressure, often

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