Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1

Video Guide

Five videos accompany the Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare
Practice to provide additional learning opportunities for those
wishing to implement coaching.

Video 1: Goal Attainment Rating Scale 70

Presents a coach and learner engaged in a process to determine the
goal attainment rating scale.

Video 2: Performance or Development Coaching 161

Presents a coaching session during which a learner reflects on her
practice of new skills

Video 3: Coaching: The Coach and the Worker 161

Presents a coaching session during which the coach and learner
reflect and debrief a safety mapping session the learner facilitated
with a family and with the coach present as an observer.

Video 4: The Introduction Meeting 144

Video of the initial meeting between the coach, supervisor and child
welfare social worker to discuss the coaching process and logistics.

Video 5: The Coaching Process Debrief 144

Video of coach, supervisor and child welfare social worker meeting
after the coach and learner have had their first coaching session to
create goals for the learning process.

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