Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

  1. Specialized cells in nerve tissue are neuroglia in the
    CNS and Schwann cells in the PNS.

  2. Sites: brain; spinal cord; and peripheral nerves (to
    provide sensation, movement, regulation of body
    functions, learning, and memory).

Membranes—sheets of tissue on surfaces, or
separating organs or lobes

  1. Epithelial membranes (see Fig. 4–8)

    • Serous membranes—in closed body cavities; the
      serous fluid prevents friction between the two
      layers of the serous membrane.

      • Thoracic cavity—partial pleura lines chest
        wall; visceral pleura covers the lungs.

        • Pericardial sac—parietal pericardium lines
          fibrous pericardium; visceral pericardium (epi-
          cardium) covers the heart muscle.

        • Abdominal cavity—peritoneum lines the
          abdominal cavity; mesentery covers the
          abdominal organs.

  • Mucous membranes—line body tracts that open
    to the environment: respiratory, digestive, uri-
    nary, and reproductive. Mucus keeps the living
    epithelium wet; provides lubrication in the diges-
    tive tract; traps dust and bacteria in the respira-
    tory tract.

  1. Connective tissue membranes—see Table 4–5.

86 Tissues and Membranes


  1. Explain the importance of each tissue in its loca-
    tion: (pp. 70, 73, 79)
    a. Simple squamous epithelium in the alveoli of
    the lungs
    b. Ciliated epithelium in the trachea
    c. Cartilage in the trachea

  2. Explain the importance of each tissue in its loca-
    tion: (pp. 77, 79)
    a. Bone tissue in bones
    b. Cartilage on the joint surfaces of bones
    c. Fibrous connective tissue in ligaments

  3. State the functions of red blood cells, white blood
    cells, and platelets. (p. 75)

  4. Name two organs made primarily of nerve tissue,
    and state the general functions of nerve tissue.
    (p. 81)

  5. State the location and function of cardiac muscle.
    (p. 81)

  6. Explain the importance of each of these tissues in
    the small intestine: smooth muscle and columnar
    epithelium. (pp. 72, 79)

  7. State the precise location of each of the following
    membranes: (p. 82)

a. Peritoneum
b. Visceral pericardium
c. Parietal pleura

  1. State the function of: (pp. 74, 82, 84)
    a. Serous fluid
    b. Mucus
    c. Blood plasma

  2. State two functions of skeletal muscles. (p. 79)

  3. Name three body tracts lined with mucous mem-
    branes. (p. 82)

  4. Explain how endocrine glands differ from exocrine
    glands. (pp. 73–74)

  5. State the function of adipose tissue: (p. 76)
    a. Around the eyes
    b. Between the skin and muscles

  6. State the location of: (p. 84)
    a. Meninges
    b. Synovial membranes

  7. State the important physical characteristics of col-
    lagen and elastin, and name the cells that produce
    these protein fibers (p. 75)

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